About Me

I was born and raised on a farm near Regina, SK. I will be completing my final internship in the fall of 2017 with the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina.

A few things I enjoy are cats, books, coffee, musicals, and all things crafty! I some day hope to be a Kindergarten teacher, but I am also eager to expand my teaching experience in any other roles. I come from a large family, and being surrounded by a caring community is very important to me; I hope to create that wonderful community in my future classroom.

One of my personal heroes is Maya Angelou. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude”. A large factor in how a person reacts and acts to everything going on around them is their attitude towards it. I believe I can choose to have a positive attitude even when I can’t change the factors that I have no control over. Attitude is powerful.

Something fun I am currently working on is the Harmonica!

Feel free to email me at kimberley-bateman@hotmail.com